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Exploring the Advantages and Challenges of Cloud-Native Applications

what is cloud native

As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, organizations are increasingly turning to cloud-native architectures to build and deploy their applications. But what is “cloud native”, and how does it differ from traditional approaches to application development and deployment?

In this blog, we’ll explore the fundamental principles of cloud-native application design and development, including containerization, microservices, and DevOps practices. We’ll examine the benefits of building cloud-native applications, and provide practical insights and tips for implementing cloud-native solutions in your organization.

We will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of cloud-native applications and how they can help your organization succeed in today’s fast-paced digital landscape.

digital workloads deployed on cloud-native platforms

What are cloud-native applications?

To take full advantage of the cloud computing infrastructure, a new paradigm has emerged: cloud-native applications. Cloud-native applications are well-suited to the dynamic nature of modern business because they are built with these qualities from the ground up. At their core, cloud-native applications are designed to be resilient, scalable, and efficient, making them ideal for today’s rapidly changing business environment.

To be considered “cloud-native,” an app must be built to work reliably and efficiently in all cloud environments, whether they are private, public, or a combination of the two – hybrid clouds.

The Benefits of Cloud Native Applications

Cloud-native applications offer a range of benefits that can help organizations reduce costs, increase agility, and deliver value to their customers more quickly. Here are some of the key benefits of cloud-native applications:

Achieving Resiliency

Cloud-native applications are designed to be resilient, meaning they can continue to operate even in the face of hardware failures or other disruptions. This resiliency is achieved through the use of distributed architectures, load balancing, and automated failover mechanisms.

One of the key features of cloud-native applications is their use of microservices architecture, where applications are broken down into smaller, independent services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. This approach allows for greater flexibility in managing resources and responding to failures. In the event of a service failure, only that specific service needs to be repaired or replaced, rather than the entire application. This reduces downtime and improves availability.

In addition, cloud-native applications often leverage containerization, which enables applications to run in lightweight, portable containers. This makes it easier to deploy and manage applications at scale and enables automated failover mechanisms to be implemented.

Overall, cloud-native applications are designed to be resilient and fault-tolerant, making them better able to withstand disruptions and continue to operate even in challenging conditions.

In Agile Business Practices

Businesses can benefit from greater agility with the help of cloud-native applications because of the ease with which they can develop, test, and deploy new versions of the software. This is possible with the help of containerization, DevOps practices, and a microservices architecture that permits more rapid iteration.

By adopting cloud-native applications, businesses can respond more quickly to changing customer demands and market conditions, and deliver value to their customers more rapidly. Additionally, cloud-native apps enable more effective resource management, letting businesses scale their applications up and down as needed without investing in additional hardware and infrastructure. This frees up resources that would otherwise be spent on managing complex infrastructure, allowing businesses to instead concentrate on new product development and expansion.

Automated Failover Mechanisms for Increased Availability of Applications

By utilizing a distributed architecture that is inherently fault-tolerant and resilient, cloud-native applications help lessen the frequency and duration of outages. Developers can more easily manage and scale individual components without affecting the entire system by breaking the application into smaller, independent microservices.

Additionally, they often leverage containerization, which allows for quick and easy deployment of new code changes or updates. Automated failover mechanisms and load balancing further reduce the risk of downtime by automatically rerouting traffic to healthy components in the event of a failure. Together, these characteristics lessen the likelihood of expensive downtime and increase the availability of cloud-native applications.

Balancing Cost Reduction and Business Innovation

There are many ways in which businesses can cut expenses by using cloud-native applications. To begin with, cloud-native applications allow for more effective resource management due to their scalability without requiring additional on-premise hardware and infrastructure. Additionally, cloud-native applications allow for faster time-to-market, which can help organizations generate revenue more quickly. 

By leveraging DevOps practices, businesses can streamline and improve upon labor-intensive processes like testing and deployment. Overall, cloud-native applications can help organizations save costs while enabling greater agility and innovation.

Challenges of Cloud-Native Applications

Pillars of Cloud-Native Applications

DevOps, microservices, and containers are all critical components of building cloud-native applications. Here’s how they each play a role:


With the DevOps methodology, IT operations teams and software developers work together to create more efficient and reliable software delivery processes. DevOps, when applied to cloud-native applications, enable more frequent and faster software releases, which are crucial in today’s fast-paced business environment. DevOps helps to reduce manual labor and boost productivity by automating crucial procedures like testing, deployment, and monitoring.


By dividing a large application into smaller, self-contained services, microservices architecture allows each service to undergo its own lifecycle management, from design and prototyping to testing and production. This approach enables greater flexibility and faster iteration, as developers can focus on developing and improving individual services without disrupting the entire system. Due to the decoupled nature of microservices, application failures in one service do not have to bring down the whole system.


Containers are lightweight, standalone software bundles that include all the code, libraries, and system tools required to launch an application. Containers allow for increased portability, scalability, and resource efficiency. Cloud-native applications can be deployed in containers, which makes it simpler for businesses to scale and manage individual components without affecting the system as a whole.

By adopting these best practices and technologies, organizations can develop, deploy, and manage software more efficiently and effectively in a cloud environment, with a focus on flexibility, agility, and automation.

To Summarize

Embracing cloud-native applications can provide a range of benefits, including increased agility, resilience, and cost savings. However, developing and managing these applications can be challenging, especially if you are not familiar with the latest cloud-native technologies and practices. That’s where cloud service providers can help. They offer a range of services and tools designed specifically for cloud-native applications, including managed Kubernetes services, container registries, and CI/CD pipelines. 

By partnering with a cloud service provider like Josh Software, you can focus on building and deploying your cloud-native applications while leaving the serverless architecture-like services to our cloud practitioners. So, if you are looking to embrace cloud-native applications, consider our digital transformation services to help you navigate the complex landscape and unlock the full potential of cloud computing.

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